POST /data/{entity}

To add data and records to a generic Entity

This API can be used to add records in a generic Gemini Entity. The API support both a single record and also a list of record to insert. This could be useful for example if the data driver you choose supports transactions, and you want to insert records in a single one.



POST <base_url>/data/{entity}/

{entity} is the Entity name according to the name provided in the schema


The request body is always a JSON containing the record actual data inside the data field. The nested object inside the data field should follow the entity definition and the fields data types. Take a look at the fields documentation to see examples and specific field syntax.

Add a Single Record

  "data": {
      // data fields according to the schema definition

Add a List of Records

  "data": [
        // record 1 - data fields according to the schema definition
        // record 2 - data fields according to the schema definition


Gemini responses always contains a proper HTTP status code, and a JSON body with a status text, the data inserted and a meta object that holds metadata about the response.

Lets take a look by using some real examples and the following schema:

type: ENTITY
  name: CATEGORY
  lk: [id]
    - name: id
      type: STRING
      required: true
    - name: description
      type: STRING

200 - Success

Success response contains the data inserted (record or list or records) and some useful metadata, for example the last update time in both ISO and unix format.

curl --request POST "http://localhost:8080/data/category" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"data": {"id": "tech-1",
        "description": "Technology"
  "status": "success",
  "data": {
  "meta": {

400 - Bad Request

Bad request errors means that the record cannot be inserted due to some errors in the entity record validation: for example an already existent logical key or a validation error, or an error during the data fields conversion.

    "status": "error",
    "error": {
        "reason": "Logical key tech-1 for Entity CATEGORY already exists"

Last updated