
To get data already sorted by one or more field (ascending or descending)

Sorting can be use bot in GET All Data or Pagination strategies. It is extremely useful for paginated APIs because for example you can start reading by name, or by date (ex: lastUpdate) and so on.

They can also be used in combination with Filters



GET <base_url>/data/{entity}?orderBy={field}

{entity} is the Entity name according to the name provided in the schema

{field} is the name of the field to order by. If you want to sort ASCENDING simply use the field name, but if you want to sort DESCENDING prefix the field name with a minus -

Remember: you can use sorting with Filters and Pagination


Lets take a look by using some examples and the following schema:

type: ENTITY
  name: ORDER
  lk: [id]
    - name: id
      type: STRING
      required: true
    - name: date
      type: DATE_TIME
    - name: status
      type: ENUM
      enum: [RECEIVED, SHIPPED]
    # --- other fields


And filtered by status SHIPPED, getting the first page with a page size of 20 records

curl "<baseurl>/data/order?status=SHIPPED&orderBy=date&start=0&limit=20"

DATE DESCENDING ORDER (note the minus - before the field name)

And filtered by status RECEIVED, getting the first page with a page size of 20 records

curl "<baseurl>/data/order?status=RECEIVED&orderBy=-date&start=0&limit=20"

Last updated